CLECO serves the majority of businesses and residents in Mansfield. If a large industrial project wished to locate, the lines would be increased to serve that project. There are some basic rates for households but a profitability study by CLECO’s commercial division would work with the client and possibly enter into some sort of long term contract. Prices for electricity are related to fuel costs and vary from month to month.
CLECO has a substation on US Hwy 84 and a main power plant on state Hwy 175 south of Mansfield.
Atmos Energy Gas Co. The main line system throughout the town consists of primarily 2” piping. The current pressure being delivered at this time is 21 psi. This pressure could be increased if the need arose. Atmos would have to conduct engineering flow studies to determine the need. A residential customer is currently charged $500 for a property line tap and if additional pipe needs to be installed they will calculate additional charges depending on the circumstances. The cost of natural gas is based on their purchase price. This cost is passed on to the customers. Natural gas is a commodity and prices vary from month to month depending on availability and demand. Their profits are derived from collecting a monthly minimum service charge of $12.70. If an extremely large gas consumer was to establish here, a profitability study would be done and they may be able to lock in a yearly contractual price. This would be handled by Atmos’ industrial marketing department. Gulf South pipeline is the transmission company Atmos purchases from. Gulf South has a 20” or 24” pipeline approximately 5 to 8 miles from Grand Cane. Any business requiring an upgrade would have to be handled one on one.
AT&T provides broadband and phone service throughout the City of Mansfield.
CMA Communications is a provider of cable television service in Mansfield. CMA offers a broad variety of digital cable television to homes and businesses throughout the service area.
Water Service - City of Mansfield
Water Treatment Plant
The City’s drinking water source is the Toledo Bend Reservoir. The City owns and operates a Class 3 water treatment plant system located at the Toledo Bend Lake. The plant's total rated capacity is approximately 2 million gallons per day. Average daily usage is approximately 1 million gallons. The City also owns and operates several water wells several miles north of the City. These wells are used as a backup and as a water supply for customers in the area of the wells.
Sewerage Treatment Plant
The public sewer system is owned and operated by the City with the sanitation plant being located on George Hunt Road. Approximately 500,000 gallons of waste a day goes through the water system. Its total rated capacity is approximately 750,000 gallons per day.